Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bye for now!

Dear fellow pirates,

I'm writing to you from a strange place called Sweden where I have gone for temporary retirement from the Wong. I believe it is called shore-leave.

It's a grand thing to return to civilisation and realise that things , and the possession of them - although a grand curse - have a peculiar way of changing ones state of mind, habits - standard!
It's rather beautiful to appreciate simple things like fridges, the ability to watch a good DVD or take a hot bath. I would very much recommend all those things, but there is a great risk that they won't be appropriately valued if experienced before a visit to the Wong. You simply have to be without a cheese grater for feeling like a king for having one.

So please help Clive and crew to take Nuthin Wong to Spain and beyond. I hope to be back aboard shortly. Until then,

Hej då!

The Wong is on its way to Spain, contact Clive on +33 681 944 448 or through for information.

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